更新:2024-03-04 08:03:17
年份: 2023  / 地区: 菲律宾 
类型:恐怖  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:5.8分
导演:Roni Benaid 
演员:Joko Diaz Alma Moreno 科科伊·德·桑托斯 Lyca Gairanod Ashley Diaz Abby Bautista Krissha Viaje Migo Valid Rolando Inocencio Elia Ilano 
语言:他加禄语  / 片长:120
Mary Cherry Chua剧情介绍

Mary Cherry Chua是一部恐怖片,Mary Cherry Chua is based on a popular urban legend about a pretty high school lass named Mary Cherry Chua, who was reportedly murdered by the school janitor. The horror film centers on Karen (Ashley Diaz), who is fond of reading campus horror tales and urban legends.

Mary Cherry Chua is based on a popular urban legend about a pretty high school lass named Mary Cherry Chua, who was reportedly murdered by the school janitor. The horror film centers on Karen (Ashley Diaz), who is fond of reading campus horror tales and urban legends.

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