U got to live a little liksom(2024) /U Got to Live a Little

更新:2024-01-23 07:01:52
年份: 2024  / 地区: 瑞典 
类型:未知 / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:0.0分
导演:Hedvig Orback 
语言:瑞典语  / 片长:14
U got to live a little liksom剧情介绍

U got to live a little liksom是一部片,During a panic attack, Lea calls her best friend. Despite living in different cities, their intimacy runs deep, and as the anxiety slowly subsides, they manage to find humor even in the darkest moments.   源自:https://program.goteborgfilmfestival.se/en/program/u-got-to-live-a-little

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