恶之心(2023) Внутри убийцы/Vnutri ubiytsy / Inside the Killer

更新:2023-01-24 07:01:49
年份: 2023  / 地区: 俄罗斯 
类型:悬疑 惊悚  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:0.0分
导演:Vladimir Mirzoev 
演员:吉洪·日兹涅夫斯基 阿纳斯塔西娅·克拉索夫斯卡娅 Vera Kincheva 维罗尼卡·莫希雷娃 Anastasiya Evgrafova 戴安娜·埃纳卡耶娃 Daria Konyzheva 
语言:俄语  / 片长:

恶之心是一部悬疑,惊悚片,根据《纽约时报》和《华盛顿邮报》最畅销的连环杀手惊悚小说改编。圣彼得堡的警察正在追踪一个疯子的踪迹--这个勒索者不仅杀害年轻女性,还将她们的身体变成艺术品,在公共场所摆出受害者的姿势,好像她们还活着。著名的法医心理学家卓娅-沃尔金娜(Zoya Volgina)和特别行动处官员蒂莫菲-沃洛赫(Timofey Volokh)联手找到了凶手。他们必须一起深入连环杀手的心理,解开他扭曲的幻想,否则会有更多的妇女死亡。

Based on the New York Times and Washington Post bestselling serial-killer thriller. The police of Saint-Petersburg follow the trail of a maniac - the strangler does not just kill young women but transforms their bodies into art objects posing his victims in public spaces as if they are still alive. Zoya Volgina, a well-known forensic psychologist, and Timofey Volokh, a special ops division officer, team up to find the slayer. Together, they must descend into a serial killer's psyche and untangle his twisted fantasies, or more women will die.

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