金战(2014)/金战尖兵 / 金流天下

更新:2024-01-21 02:01:25
年份: 2014  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:剧情 战争  / 豆瓣:6.5分 / IMDB:0.0分
演员:周显欣 黄觉 张博 潘之琳 黄勐 郭凯敏 林栋甫 张喜前 李媛 
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

金战是一部剧情,战争片,1949年,西南全境尚未解放,我军营长秦国梁(张博 饰)从最前线被调至西南重镇云岭,担任警备团政委、军管会公安处处长,负责人民银行在当地发行第一套人民币的金融保卫工作。当时的云岭百废待兴、人心浮动。潜伏敌特、土匪及国民党残部武装、顽固商绅等反动势力内外勾结,动用经济战、袭城、暗杀破坏等手段阻挡人民币的发行,进而威胁我新生政权的安危。在与敌人周旋的过程中,战斗英雄秦国梁逐渐认识到了建设新中国经济手段的重要性和特殊性,与资本家家族出身的金融专家罗天晴、起义将领陈子正(黄觉 饰)等人从互不理解到紧密合作,在逆境中屡次识破敌人的阴谋,保护了国家财产的安全。这些云岭金融战线上的尖兵们利用奇计,一举破获了国民党保密局的敌特组织,清剿土匪,收复民心,保证了新中国经济建设的安全,胜利完成了第一套人民币的发行任务。

In 1949, some regions in southwest China haven't been liberated yet. Commander Liang Guodong is sent to Yunling, an important town in the southwest, to be in charge of first issuance of RMB. At that time, Yunling has to be rebuilt and people there are in panic. Spies, bandits and insurgents gather together, trying to destroy the new government by economic warfare, the act of attack and assassination. Military hero Qin Guoliang gradually realizes the importance of the economy; therefore he firmly cooperates with finance expert Luo Tianqing and combats leader Chen Zizheng, though they don't appreciate each other at the beginning. They discover enemy's schemes and protect security of state property. The soldiers who fight in the economic front bravely uncover enemies' conspiracy and stabilize the situation, which ensures the economic construction of new government and completes the mission of first issuance of RMB.

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