Kum Kum/まんが・わんぱく大昔 クムクム / Manga Wanpaku Oomukashi Kum Kum

更新:2021-11-13 08:11:18
年份: 未知 / 地区: 日本 
类型:动画  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:7.1分
导演:原田益次 安彦良和 高桥良辅 
演员:田上和枝 秋山照子 太田淑子 麻上洋子 富田耕生 友部光子 竹尾智晴 
语言:日语  / 片长:
Kum Kum剧情介绍

Kum Kum是一部动画片,『機動戦士ガンダム』で知られる才人アニメーター・安彦良和が企画・原作を手がけた原始時代アニメ。まだ科学文明も開けない原始の時代。高い山脈のふもとの村では、わんぱくな少年クムクムが元気に毎日を過ごしていた。クムクムは女の子チルチルや、男子のアロン、同じくモチモチたちが友だち。さらには優しい性格の恐竜ザウルスも仲間で、今日も自然の中を駆け巡る。安彦良和は登場人物のキャラクターデザインも担当。さらに回によっては作画監督・演出・脚本まで自ら手がけ、後にアニメ監督職や小説家として活躍する幅広い才気の一端を覗かせた。番組全体の監督を務めたりんたろうとは、同じ虫プロ出身の仲間同士である。

\"Wanpaku Omukashi Kumu Kumu\" (aka Naughty Prehistoric Kum Kum, Naughty Ancient Kum Kum, Kum Kum the Caveman, Kum Kum the Menace) is a comedy cartoon series in classic Japanese style, which follows the adventures of a mischievous prehistoric caveboy. It was an early anime of legendary animation studio Sunrise Inc and produced with SOUEI-SHYA. Kum Kum aired in Japan 3 October 1975 - 26 March 1976 for only 26 episodes.\n\nThe main character, Kum Kum (pronounced Coomu Coomu), and his friends, Littlerock and Bumbles, were constantly getting in trouble and Kum Kum spent a lot of time in the wood cave as punishment for his juvenile transgressions. He and his family belonged to a tribe of Mountain People who hunted and farmed in the hills near Fire Mountain. Kum Kum's father, Strongarm, is the leader of the Mountain People who doesn't mind a drink or two, and his mother's name is Flora. He has an elder sister, Wildflower, and a tattle-tale little brother, Tum Tum.

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