增血鬼果林(2005) かりん/Karin

更新:2022-03-26 08:03:14
年份: 2005  / 地区: 日本 
类型:动画  / 豆瓣:6.5分 / IMDB:6.9分
导演:木村真一郎 铃木洋平 高岛大辅 上原秀明 西村博昭 吉本毅 山内东生雄 
演员:矢作纱友里 小西克幸 松本大 筱原惠美 诹访部顺一 猪口有佳 野岛裕史 高桥美佳子 久川绫 白鸟由里 宫田幸季 仪武祐子 长克巳 
语言:日语  / 片长:

增血鬼果林是一部动画片,故事发生在现代日本,真红果林(矢作纱友里 配音)出生在一个古老的吸血鬼家族之中,可是,和家族中其他的成员不同,真红不但不需要吸血,她体内的血还会增加,这令真红感到十分困扰。外表强悍但其实是个妻管严的爸爸亨利(松本大 配音)、喜欢吸食嗜谎者血液的妈妈莲拉(筱原惠美 配音)、绝不吸食男人血液的哥哥炼(诹访部顺一 配音)、沉默寡言的妹妹杏树(猪口有佳 配音),真红一家人虽然都是吸血鬼,却和普通的家庭没有什么两样。   因为自己的特殊体质,真红常常遭到同类的嘲笑。某日,真红班上新来了一位名叫雨水健太(小西克幸 配音)的转校生,健太的出现让真红的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。

In the 21st century, a family of vampires settled down on the grounds of Japan and lived a modest life whilst sucking on the blood of humans discreetly. However, the eldest daughter of the family, Karin Maaka, has an embarassing secret which cannot be revealed to anyone. Even though she is a vampire, she does not lack blood like her family members. Instead, she overproduces blood to the extent that she transfuses the excess into her victims, hence increasing their blood levels. Despite her troubling body characteristic, she attends school like any other high school student, that is until a new transfer student, Kenta Usui, enters her life.


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