
飞跃城都一百年是一部纪录片片,二十世纪创造了不少奇奇怪怪的发明,科技改变了人们的生活,在大城市中尤为明显。过去一百年内,科技发展神速,电报、电话、无线电、飞船、汽车…无奇不有,有些发明石破天惊,有些则是无聊小搞作。 本片带你飞越时空,回味近一百年人类的进展…

The series Metropolis takes us to the very heart of urban life in antiquity and in the 15th century. It examines a crucial step in the history of civilization and culture: Mankind has advanced to a settled lifestyle, allowing him to organize large social alliances which extend far beyond family and clan. The consequences are critical changes in all facets of life.

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飞跃城都一百年 Metropolis- The Splendor of Citi
飞跃城都一百年 Metropolis- The Splendor of Citi