情欲生活(2007) Liebesleben/Love Life / 怠倦情欲

更新:2023-03-25 01:03:33
年份: 2007  / 地区: 以色列  
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:6.5分 / IMDB:6分
导演:Maria Schrader 
演员:Neta Garty Rade Serbedzija 托芙·菲尔德舒 Stephen Singer Ishai Golan 
语言:英语  / 片长:113

情欲生活是一部剧情片,雅拉(Neta Garty 饰)从小生活在紧张的环境里,母亲总是情绪不稳,号称生病,父亲则因抑郁症入院治疗过,她本人也因遭遇过车祸非常惧怕公交车,但外人眼里她过得还不错,在大学里很受教授看重,还有个又帅又爱她的男朋友,她却总是感到不满足。在母亲的生日宴上,一位前来造访的老朋友给这个家庭掀起涟漪,浑身充满成熟魅力的老男人阿里(Rade Serbedzija)令雅拉第一眼就无法自拔,她主动接近了他,第一时间献出自己的身体,还跟着他去另一个城市,体验三人行性爱。雅拉心里明白阿里对她除了欲望便是冷漠,但却完全无法抗拒他的吸引,不再顾及男友苦苦哀求和挽留,直到发现阿里和自己的母亲的往事,原来这个可怕的男人才是这个破碎家庭多年来的所有病因……

Ya'ara prepares an outdoor picnic for the birthday of her father Leon. But there is a wind that mixes up the whole beautifully arranged ensemble. With this gust of wind Arie, Leons friend has returned to Jerusalem, which he had left for 30 years. This surprised Ya'ara, as she rushes to her parents full of concern. Previously, Ya'ara's life was okay. Happily married to Joni, she has good prospects for early employment at the university. But already the first encounter with Arie throws her off track. In the following meetings, a real affair develops out of the initially erotically charged situations.

