詹姆斯·梅:哎哟,我炒! 第一季(2020) James May: Oh Cook!/詹姆斯·梅:噢,炒! / 梅干菜

更新:2020-11-20 08:11:44
年份: 2020  / 地区: 英国 
类型:真人秀  / 豆瓣:8.4分 / IMDB:7.9分
演员:詹姆斯·梅 Nikki Morgan 
语言:英语  / 片长:
詹姆斯·梅:哎哟,我炒! 第一季剧情介绍

詹姆斯·梅:哎哟,我炒! 第一季是一部真人秀片,Cooking show hosted by James May, providing a unique perspective on kitchen creations for those who don't know how cook.

James May is not a chef. But that's the whole point: you don't need to be a brilliant cook to make delicious food. Transporting us to the Far East, the Med, and the local pub - all from the comfort of a home economist's kitchen - he'll knock up delicious recipes that you can actually make yourself, with ingredients you can actually buy. And all without the usual television cooking format trickery.

一句话评论:我是詹姆斯梅~I can't cook。我是詹姆斯梅~I can't cook。

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