更新:2020-06-28 08:06:42
年份: 2020  / 地区: 英国 
类型:未知 / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:6.5分
导演:Ben Kellett 
演员:布兰达·布莱斯 吉米·耶肯博拉 布莱克·哈里森 芭芭拉·弗林 
语言:英语  / 片长:
凯特与柯吉 第一季剧情介绍

凯特与柯吉 第一季是一部片,A working-class woman who runs an old-fashioned café in a neglected seaside town develops a strong, if sometimes volatile, friendship with an asylum-seeking African doctor.

A working-class woman who runs an old-fashioned café in a neglected seaside town develops a strong, if sometimes volatile, friendship with an asylum-seeking African doctor.

凯特与柯吉 第一季剧照
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