机动战士高达 剧场版Ⅱ 哀·战士(1981) 機動戦士ガンダムⅡ 哀・戦士編/Mobile Suit Gundam Movie II: Soldiers of Sorrow

更新:2020-07-19 04:07:31
年份: 1981  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情 动作 科幻 动画  / 豆瓣:8.7分 / IMDB:7.3分
导演:富野由悠季 安彦良和 
演员:古谷彻 池田秀一 铃置洋孝 白石冬美 古川登志夫 鹈饲留美子 铃木清信 广濑正志 井上瑶 饭塚昭三 盐泽兼人 户田惠子 二又一成 池田胜 稻叶实 永井一郎 仲木隆司 泽律雄 
语言:日语  / 片长:139
机动战士高达 剧场版Ⅱ 哀·战士剧情介绍

After managing to survive attacks by Zeon's Char Aznable and Garma Zabi, the crew of Federation warship White Base and its mobile suits battle Zeon forces (Ramba Ral, Ma Kube, Tri-Stars, Boone) through Asia, Europe, and the Atlantic Ocean if they are to reach Earth Federation's headquarters alive. During that process many of its crewmembers like Amuro Ray, Bright Noah, Kai Shinden, Sayla Mass, Mirai Yashima, Fraw Bow, and Hayato Kobayashi must overcome their fears, losses, immaturities, and insecurities in order to survive.

机动战士高达 剧场版Ⅱ 哀·战士剧照
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