五月花(1959) Flor de mayo (Topolobampo)/Beyond All Limits / Flowers of Mayo


五月花是一部剧情片,在墨西哥的一个渔村,外国佬吉姆·盖茨比策划了一个非法捕虾计划,并与当地政府以及嫉妒心强的墨西哥渔民佩佩·甘博阿(Pepe Gamboa)发生了冲突,后者怀疑他的妻子玛格达莱娜(Magdalena)不忠。

In the Mexican fishing village of Topolobampo, a man has his pride and a woman has her reputation. Pepe, a hothead jailed once for violence, is tested when a drunken sailor's chance remark gets him doubting that his wife Magdalena's child is his. After a six-year absence, gringo Jim Gatsby is in town with a scheme to make a lot of money using a depth reader to locate schools of shrimp: he'll wait outside the limits of Mexican waters and shrimpers will bring him their catch. It's illegal, but should be foolproof. The fishing scheme goes awry as Pepe's jealousy consumes him. If adults think only of themselves, can a child's innocence save anyone?

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