面对面 第一季剧情介绍

面对面 第一季是一部剧情,惊悚片,女主马卡蕾娜是一个为爱奋不顾身的女人,爱上不该爱的人— 她的老板, 被其指控犯有诈骗,携款潜逃等多项罪名,被关进了南科鲁兹私人监狱.。本剧讲述了她在狱中复杂的人际关系,与对头祖蕾玛,室友所蕾莉斯还有狱警法比奥等等,交织出了一张爱恨情仇的大网。

Macarena Ferreiro is a young naive woman who falls in love with her boss and, because of him, commits several accounting manipulation and misappropriation crimes. She is accused of four tax crimes, and consequently she is imprisoned at the Cruz del Sur Prison as a precautionary measure with very high bail set. She has to face the emotional shock that being in jail means to her, as well as the complicated relationship between the inmates; among them Zulema stands out as the most dangerous prisoner. In prison Macarena will soon realize the chance to survive the projected seven-year sentence she will likely receive if convicted depends on changing, evolving and becoming a very different person. Meanwhile, in order to pay the bail, her family outside gets involved in finding a large sum of money hidden somewhere, in dispute with Zulema's boyfriend, who will lead the Ferreiros to a terrible situation.

一句话评论:女版OZ(监狱风云)。没有绝对的善与恶:从监狱折射出的社会法则。关在女子监狱的哈姆雷特。总是做错误的决定。面对面 第一季。要爽就別管邏輯。.。

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