318号公路(2017)/Highway 318

更新:2024-02-19 06:02:39
年份: 2017  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:5.1分 / IMDB:6.1分
演员:岳辛 德姬 孙一明 夏诺·扎西敦珠 
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:98
上映时间:2019-03-18(中国大陆) / 2017-10-06(华沙电影节)


More than 5,000 kilometres long, highway 318 connects China with Tibet and is one of the world's most picturesque routes. It is where Xiaojia, who is Chinese, meets Suona from Tibet one day. Each of them set off on a long journey for a different reason, but they have one thing in common: they both believe it will help them atone for mistakes from the past. Dealing with loneliness, fears and qualms of conscience, they want to find solace. Their tough journey together across endless valleys and snowy mountains will bring them closer to each other, becoming a deep inner journey and a meditation on life. Harsh, mysterious and breath-taking, highway 318 can become a road to redemption.

一句话评论:致每一个走独自过318号公路的女人。摄影画面赞一个先。45度角仰头看天之旅。其实想给三星半。起了个大早,赶了个晚集。致聂导。只属于你的路,或治愈或救赎或者什么都没有。。心灵救赎。《318号公路》首爆先导预告 演绎女性的自我救赎。

下载信息 大小
highway.318.2017.1080p.mkv 2.19GB
318号公路bd国语中字.mp4 1.4GB