又见奈良(2020)/再会の奈良 / Tracing Her Shadow / Seeing Nara Again

更新:2024-01-21 05:01:49
年份: 2020  / 地区: 中国大陆  
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:7.4分 / IMDB:7分
演员:吴彦姝 英泽 国村隼 永濑正敏 鹏飞 张巍 秋山真太郎 
语言:汉语普通话   日语   俄语  / 片长:100
上映时间:2021-03-19(中国大陆) / 2020-07-31(上海电影节)

又见奈良是一部剧情片,电影讲述了一段跨越60年的异国无血缘母女情。年近八十的老奶奶陈慧明(吴彦姝 饰)孤身奔赴奈良,寻找失去联系的养女陈丽华。在遗孤二代小泽(英泽 饰)和退休警察一雄(國村隼 饰)的帮助下,找到了许多接触过、帮助过丽华的人们。在这个过程中,陈慧明如同亲历丽华到达日本之后的人生,她与小泽、一雄之间的关系,也在这段旅程中更加贴近了。

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan in 1945, a large number of Japanese orphans were adopted by families in Northeast China. With the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries in the 1970s and 1980s, many orphans returned to China, including Lihua, the adopted daughter of Grandma Chen (played by Wu Yanshu). In 2005, Grandma Chen, who hadn't received a reply from her adopted daughter for a long time, couldn't help but miss her. She went to Nara, Japan. People journey. In a foreign country, they met many returned orphans. Their lives showed another side-section of war trauma. Under cultural differences and conflicts, the journey of tracing people became turbulent. Where did the adopted daughter become the biggest in everyone's hearts Mystery.

一句话评论:握手言和不易,那就一直走吧!。导筒× 导演 鹏飞:跟随邓丽君的歌声,在日本古都寻找电影与人性的珍贵回响。天下所有孩子的哭声都是一样的。《又见奈良》主创专访:和平年代的战争隐痛。《又见奈良》:厚重的现实和轻松的影像。英泽专访 | 希望观众可以拥抱多元性,对美的定义不再局限。举重若轻的小品,7分。沉默的希望。《又见奈良》:心似已灰之木,身如不系之舟,写给故乡里的他乡人。电影不散,又见奈良。
