汽车威利(2018) Wheely/Cesur Araba

更新:2024-01-21 03:01:42
年份: 2018  / 地区: 马来西亚 
类型:喜剧 动画 家庭 冒险  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:4.4分
导演:Yusry Abd Halim 
演员:Ogie Banks Gavin Yap Bill J. Gottlieb Brock Powell 
语言:英语  / 片长:

汽车威利是一部喜剧,动画,家庭,冒险片,在一次严重的撞车事故后,惠里从一名新手车手降级为市区的一名出租车,身负巨额债务,自尊心也受到了伤害。这起事故的起因正是他的哲学/风水师范的好友普特普特。一切都很好,直到惠里“头朝下”压倒了来自社会上层的超级名模贝拉。更糟的是……她有男朋友了!幸运的是轮子的,贝拉发现他的街头智慧,ghetto-like,风趣的人性格吸引....但就在他有机会更好地了解她之前,她高傲的男朋友本挡住了他的路。这是并不是所有....惠里面临着一个更大的问题,他的梦中情人被一个由一辆18轮卡车策划的全球犯罪集团绑架。作者:Shireen M Hashim博士

After a really bad crash, Wheely was demoted from a rookie racer to a downtown cabbie with a mountain of debt and a bruised ego. The cause of the accident is no other than Putt Putt, his philosophical/Feng Shui practitioner fan turned to-best friend. Everything was fine until Wheely fell "head-over-wheels" over Bella, a supermodel from the upper echelons of society. To make things worse...she's got a boyfriend! Luckily for Wheely, Bella finds his street smart, ghetto-like, funny-guy character appealing.... but just before he gets the chance to get to know her better, her stuck-up boyfriend Ben, gets in the way. And that's not all.... Wheely's faced with an even bigger problem when his dream girl gets car-napped by a global syndicate masterminded by an 18-wheeler truck, Kaiser.
