男子游泳部 第三季(2018) Free! -Dive to the Future-/水泳部3:潜入未来

男子游泳部 第三季剧情介绍

男子游泳部 第三季是一部剧情,动画,运动片,新作TVシリーズ2018年夏放送決定

Haruka has entered Hidaka University, where he's now training with the swim club to prepare for a newcomer tournament. One day, he runs into Asahi, a swim teammate from middle school. Haruka is later joined by Makoto, who also moved to Tokyo, at a coffee shop to catch up with Asahi - and the topic quickly turns to Ikuya, another teammate they swam with in middle school. On the day of the newcomer tournament, Haruka and Asahi are in the same race for the first time in years - and the spectacle is watched by Hiyori, who calls Haruka an "inferior copy of Ikuya." After the race, as Haruka is walking through the halls with Asahi, he catches sight of Ikuya passing by.


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