兽道(2017) 獣道/爱情,最好是这兽(台) / Love and Other Beasts / Love and Other Cults

更新:2022-03-15 02:03:23
年份: 2017  / 地区: 英国  
类型:剧情 喜剧  / 豆瓣:5.9分 / IMDB:6.2分
演员:伊藤沙莉 须贺健太 吉村界人 阿部罗秀伸 马修·乔齐克 绪方义博 广田玲名 池田良 韩英惠 川上奈奈美 近藤芳正 每熊克哉 松本华奈 筱原笃 
语言:日语  / 片长:95
上映时间:2017-04-25(远东电影节) / 2017-07-15(日本)

兽道是一部剧情,喜剧片,《兽道》讲述出生于某都市的少女爱衣(伊藤沙莉 饰)被迷信各种宗教团体的母亲抛弃,在孤儿院一呆就是七年。随后被安排到某中学上学,但依然没有被收养。爱衣中途退学,曾被社会底层的不良少年家以及中产家庭等收养,但始终不能定下来。唯一能够理解爱衣的,就是喜欢爱衣的少年亮太(须贺健太 饰),他也是个孤儿,在等着被收养。最终,亮太成了小偷,而爱衣则沦落风尘,他们的纯粹遭到了如同野生丛林的城市的吞噬,这是一部让人心塞的黑色幽默剧。

Born in a regional city, a young girl named Ai (Sairi Ito) is sent to a cult commune by her religious maniac mother and lives there for seven long years. After the cult is exposed by the police, Ai starts a new, normal life going to a regular middle school, but can't find a place to fit in normal society. Ai drops out to continue finding her path in life, first living with a rock-bottom delinquent family, then moving on to be part of a middle-class family, all along trying to find her place in this world. The only person who understands Ai is Ryota (Kenta Suga), another drop-out and cast-off from society. Ryota finds his path in a shady world of delinquents while Ai ends up working in the sex industry. Two teens' purity gets swallowed up by the urban jungle of a big regional city. A black comedy depicting lives of modern youth and their struggles in a place where there is no way out.

一句话评论:JFF17 观影后问与答。被小看的伊藤沙莉。青春生存法则(影评,兽道)。
