
莫斯科行动是一部剧情,犯罪片,1993年,大批中国商人涌入俄罗斯淘金,其中,有几张与众不同的面孔,他们在倒爷中间探听消息,在黑白两道寻求支援。他们是中国警方派出的一个秘密小组,他们此行的目标是暗中查找震惊中外的中俄K3列车大劫案的情报线索,并将全部在逃涉案嫌疑人抓捕归案。在中国警方小组组长陈尔力的带 领下,小组克服重重的阻碍,经历了九死一生的磨难,在遥远的异国他乡展开了一场曲折惊险的追缉之旅。

The series is set in the early 90's in Moscow after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. With the opening up of Russia to capitalism, Moscow sees an influx of Chinese entrepeneurs looking for business opportunities. Unfortunately, along with the flourishing business landscape comes a Chinese criminal element that preys on Chinese business people with the assumption that the Russian police would not interfere and that crimes committed outside China are beyond the jurisdiction of the Chinese government to prosecute. However, matters come to a head when an Old West style train robbery takes place on the Beijing-Ulan Bator-Moscow Express. A team of five Chinese police officers arrives in Moscow with the intention of investigating the crimes and bringing the culprits to justice. The show stands as a fascinating contrast to typical Western/American fare that relies on action, sex, violence, gore, guns and slick production values. This Chinese Russian production stands out as it manages to ...

一句话评论:警匪心计。现在的观众很多都被神剧刷的脱离实际了。书包落下来 看夏雨降维打击。我为什么觉得这剧有点名不副实?。2018年伊始这部警匪剧火了,为中国警察点赞(组图)。中俄列车大劫案改编的剧。一部总是感觉差一点的好剧。专访导演张睿|《余罪》像残奥会冠军,《莫斯科行动》完成度更高。从真实性和还原性来讲,是部好的警匪剧。很好的题材,但太不细腻了。

下载信息 大小
【1080p超清中文字幕】莫斯科行动迅雷下载.2018.29.41gb.torrent 29.41 GB
莫斯科行动 国产剧 18.08 GB
【莫斯科行动 EP29-EP30】【WEB-DL 1080p】【1.33 GB】【Operation.Mosc 1.33GB
【莫斯科行动 EP27-EP28】【WEB-DL 1080p】【1.35 GB】【Operation.Mosc 1.35 GB
【莫斯科行动 EP24-EP26】【WEB-DL 1080p】【1.86 GB】【Operation.Mosc 1.86 GB
【莫斯科行动 EP22-EP23】【WEB-DL 1080p】【1.43 GB】【Operation.Mosc 1.43GB
【莫斯科行动 EP20-EP21】【WEB-DL 1080p】【1.41 GB】【Operation.Mosc 1.41GB
【莫斯科行动 EP18-EP19】【WEB-DL 1080p】【1.49 GB】【Operation.Mosc 1.49 GB
【莫斯科行动 EP16-EP17】【WEB-DL 1080p】【1.38 GB】【Operation.Mosc 1.38GB
【莫斯科行动 EP14-EP15】【WEB-DL 1080p】【1.41 GB】【Operation.Mosc 1.41GB
【莫斯科行动 EP11-EP13】【WEB-DL 1080p】【2.12 GB】【Operation.Mosc 2.12GB
莫斯科行动.全集.Operation.Moscow.2018.EP01-EP31.HD1080P.X264.A 19.64 GB
莫斯科行动.DVD版.全31集.1080P无水印.网盘秒离 19.7GB
[莫斯科行动][WEB-MP4-19GB][国语中文][1080P][无水印] 19.73GB
[莫斯科行动][更新至28集][国语中字][MP4][720P] 19.24GB
【莫斯科行动 EP09-EP10】【WEB-DL 1080p】【1.39 GB】【Operation.Mosc 1.39GB
【莫斯科行动 EP01-EP08】【WEB-DL 1080p】【5.30 GB】【Operation.Mosc 5.30GB
Operation.Moscow.2018.EP01-EP02.WEB-DL.1080p.H265.AAC-V 1.93GB
[莫斯科行动][2017][01-02集][国语中字][MP4][720P] 1.38GB