
更新:2019-05-10 07:05:17
年份: 2013  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:7.6分 / IMDB:7.4分
演员:佐藤胜利 神宫寺勇太 山本舞香 安井谦太郎 西野七濑 野村麻纯 喜矢武豊 寺西拓人 森田美勇人 七五三掛龙也 高桥飒 阿部显岚 羽生田挙武 绀野真昼 
语言:日语  / 片长:

49是一部剧情片,外表清秀的加贺美暖(佐藤胜利 饰)是一个学习、运动以及交际均不出众的普通高中一年级学生。某天,在和父亲争执时,二人意外遭遇车祸。一切并未就此结束,当暖从昏迷中醒来,发现父亲的灵魂竟然进入了自己的体内,而且可以操纵他的言行。暖的性格突然发生巨大转变,令包括高见幸(山本舞香 饰)在内的朋友们都大为惊讶。在此之后,他不仅成功向校园美女水无月真纳(西野七濑 饰)告白,更一跃成为全校关注的红人,此外还受到篮球部的邀请。在此过程中,他还影响着许多人的人生。幸对暖的转变倍感不解,于是试图探究其中的原因。   短短49天将过,父亲在人世间最后的盘桓将会给暖还有周遭的人留下什么……

Dan is a first year high school student. He isn't so good with his studies or sports. He spends most of his free time at home. One day, his father's spirit enters Dan's body. His father originally died in an accident. It just so happen's his father is the type that excels at everything and now Dan possesses the same gift. He starts to play well in basketball and begins to date a popular girl at school. Dan also becomes popular among his classmates. His school life is just going amazingly well. Because of his change in personality, the other students are surprised by him, but they become influenced by his adult like point of view. Soon, his friends realize the secret of his change.


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