更新:2019-05-10 04:05:49
年份: 2009  / 地区: 美国 
类型:历史 犯罪  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:4.8分
导演:Eric Mandelbaum 
演员:索拉·伯奇 基思·卡拉丹 布兰登·萨克斯顿 
语言:英语  / 片长:
Winter of Frozen Dreams剧情介绍

Winter of Frozen Dreams是一部历史,犯罪片,Barbara Hoffman (Birch) is a University of Wisconsin science student. She is a part-time employee at a local massage parlor. She is also a killer. Now all Detective Lulling (Carradine) has to do is prove it.   芭芭拉·霍夫曼是威斯康星州大学的学生,是兼职妓女,同时,她还是一个杀手。警探卢林的任务便是将其真实面目揭穿。

Barbara Hoffman is a University of Wisconsin science student. She is a part-time employee at a local massage parlor. She is also a killer. Now all Detective Lulling has to do is prove it.

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