無宿人御子神の丈吉 牙は引き裂いた(1972)/Trilogía Mikogami - Trail of Blood

更新:2019-05-10 03:05:49
年份: 1972  / 地区: 日本 
类型:动作  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:7.1分
演员:原田芳雄 峰岸彻 北林早苗 Sanae Kitabayashi 安部彻 市原悦子 加藤嘉 内藤武敏 中村敦夫 菅贯太郎 内田朝雄 
语言:日语  / 片长:80
無宿人御子神の丈吉 牙は引き裂いた剧情介绍

Thirsting for revenge, Jokichi rashly attempts to assassinate the evil Chogoro but ends up being captured by Yakuza. His life is spared by Boss Juzaburo, in order that the harmony of an important commemoration not be further disturbed. Though now even more of an outcast, Jokichi is asked by another Yakuza boss, Umezo, to guard Oyuki, the wayward daughter of Juzaburo. The tragic consequences of this assignment will lead him into a deadly trap and a final confrontation with Chogoro.

無宿人御子神の丈吉 牙は引き裂いた剧照
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Mikogami Trilogy #1 aka Mushukunin mikogami no jôkichi 3.97GB
無宿人御子神の丈吉1:牙は引き裂いた.Mikogami Trilogy I:Tr