超能力爱情(2008) ニュータイプ ただ、愛のために/

更新:2021-08-26 02:08:05
年份: 2008  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情 爱情 科幻 奇幻  / 豆瓣:5.6分 / IMDB:6.0分
演员:大政绚 佐野和真 山田绢绪 竹财辉之助 
语言:日语  / 片长:90

超能力爱情是一部剧情,爱情,科幻,奇幻片,在渡口卖船票的少女津木野百合总是戴着眼罩。她唯一的朋友是从小一起长大张的秋山和博。和博与百合彼此相爱,两人打算不久后结婚。   一天,正准备下班回家的百合碰到一个形容落拓受了腿伤的男子向他打听渡船的情况,听说下一班去神无岛的船要三天后才起航后,这个叫郭的 男人大为沮丧。在回家的路上,百合又遇到了郭。他突然抓住百合,硬逼她让船出航,还闯到了她家里。百合想找机会打110求救,却被郭发现,砸坏了电话。   第二天,郭拉着百合外出,突然一辆车停在两人面前。郭猛地抱住百合强吻了她。当天晚上,郭为高烧和腿伤所苦,百合发现郭和自己一样具有超能力,不知不觉间,百合对郭产生了复杂的感情,她瞒着和博与郭共同生活。百合向郭说出了自己的秘密——她拥有让时间倒流的能力,运用这种能力可以让人失忆,为此她才失明。过去,百合曾经用过一次超能力,而对方正是自己的恋人和博……

Yuri, who works at the ticket window at a ferry terminal, is one-eyed. One day, she is held at knifepoint and locked away in captivity by an enigmatic man named Kwon, who has missed a ferry. At the very moment Yuri learns that Kwon has supernatural powers. As Kwon and Yuri become closer to each other, Yuri's friend, Akiyama, accidentally finds the secret of Yuri's supernatural power. Yuri has the ability to go back in time. As the price for her supernatural ability, Yuri becomes blind in one eye. In the meantime, Kwon gets shot by mysterious men. Yuri, who has started feeling affection for Kwon, tries to save him using her special power again.

