Тот ещё Карлосон!(2012) /Тот ещё Карлосон / Tot eshchyo Karloson!

更新:2019-05-10 02:05:19
年份: 2012  / 地区: 俄罗斯 
类型:未知 / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:5.3分
演员:米克哈尔·加拉斯蒂恩 Fedya Smirnov Igor Vernik Mariya Syomkina Nonna Grishaeva Ekaterina Artemenko Andrey Fedortsov Semyon Furman Dmitriy Khrustalyov Evgeniy Koshevoy 尤里·库琴科 Georgiy Malkov 亚历山大·奥列什科 奥列格·塔巴科夫 
语言:俄语  / 片长:80
Тот ещё Карлосон!剧情介绍

Тот ещё Карлосон!是一部片,The character of Michael Galustyan that is called Carloson as he looks much like him, lives in a wonderful and bright world of metrics plump big-eared short men whose misstion is to help kids that face challenges caused by adults...

The character of Michael Galustyan that is called Carloson as he looks much like him, lives in a wonderful and bright world of metrics plump big-eared short men whose misstion is to help ...

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