
断肠孤凤是一部剧情片,少女玛丽安在放学回家路上遭遇凌辱,离家出走。找到一份微薄工作。玛丽安孤僻性格受到同室之人冷漠应待,伤心之余想要跳河自杀,被路过的麦克所救。玛丽安暂避麦克居所,但麦克不给玛丽安自由,一而再再而三地向她求婚。玛丽安最终答应了麦克。玛丽安的母亲找来,母女团圆。   该片根据亚历克斯·卡默的小说《玛丽安》改编。

Mary Ann Robinson, a young woman living in The Bronx, New York, with her neurotic, overbearing mother and kindly but ineffectual stepfather, is raped while walking home one night. Keeping the attack to herself, Mary Ann runs away, seeking to lose herself in Manhattan by renting a seedy flat and taking a job in a dime store. Overwhelmed by people's hostility and her own despair, Mary Ann tries to jump off the Manhattan Bridge, only to be stopped by Mike, a garage mechanic who takes her back to his modest basement apartment nearby. At first appreciative of Mike's kindness, Mary Ann becomes terrified when he refuses to let her leave. Is Mike really Mary Ann's rescuer - or is he another rapist?

