龙纹怪谈(1970) 怪談昇り竜/Black Cat's Revenge / Blind Woman's Curse

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:42
年份: 1970  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情 动作 惊悚 恐怖  / 豆瓣:6.7分 / IMDB:6.7分
演员:梶芽衣子 ホキ徳田 佐藤允 砂塚秀夫 安部彻 加藤嘉 高树阳子 内田良平 加原武门 向山裕 
语言:日语  / 片长:85

龙纹怪谈是一部剧情,动作,惊悚,恐怖片,关东黑帮立花一家的第二代首领明美(梶芽衣子 饰)与刚田组组长(加原武门 饰)抗争,纷乱中误伤刚田之妹蓝子(ホキ徳田 饰)的眼睛,蓝子疼爱的黑猫立时上前舔噬伤眼。蓝子的痛苦和仇恨汇聚成对立花明美的诅咒。   三年后,明美期满出狱,派别抗争继续。明美却发现手下亲信被夺去双目、离奇杀害。失明后的蓝子将背部纹有青龙图案的立花一家成员定为目标,誓要杀光仇敌。而明美则不得不与部下联合,一面与敌对帮派周旋,一面对抗来自盲女的恐怖诅咒……

Akemi and the man of her clan confront their opponents; Akemi delivers a sword thrust to kill the opponents' leader, and Aiko, his daughter, tries to interpose herself, suffering a glancing blow to her eyes, thus cutting her badly, and blinding her. Amid the ensuing fight, no one notices that a black cat laps the young woman's wound. Years later, revenge between the two clans continue, plus added dissension amongst Akemi's people, leading to more deaths. A new member comes to help them, but she is a strange woman - and blind. The curse of the blind woman is about to fell on the dragon-lady.
