潘多拉与飞翔的荷兰人(1951) Pandora and the Flying Dutchman/愛我在今宵


潘多拉与飞翔的荷兰人是一部剧情,悬疑,奇幻片,改编自17世纪著名不归船“飞翔的荷兰人(the Flying Dutchman)”的传说。电影叙述在1930年代西班牙一处小镇中,有个神秘美丽的歌者潘多拉迷惑了全城男子,后来一个谜样的船长来到小镇与潘多拉相恋,结果他竟是传说中17世纪不归船The Flying Dutch man的船长的鬼魂,这船长为了回到人间必须找到一个爱他的女子,而且必须为他牺牲性命……

Albert Lewin's interpretation of the legend of the Flying Dutchman. In a little Spanish seaport named Esperanza, during the 30s, appears Hendrick van der Zee, the mysterious captain of a yacht (he is the only one aboard). Pandora is a beautiful woman (who men kill and die for). She's never really fallen in love with any man, but she feels very attracted to Hendrick... We are soon taught that Hendrick is the Flying Dutchman, this sailor of the 17th century that has been cursed by God to wander over the seas until the Doomsday... unless a woman is ready to die for him...

一句话评论:Ava Gardner是唯一亮点。
