微笑(2009) スマイル/smile

更新:2019-06-21 07:06:10
年份: 2009  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:6.9分 / IMDB:7.6分
导演:石井康晴 坪井敏雄 
演员:松本润 新垣结衣 中井贵一 小栗旬 小池荣子 德山秀典 铃之助 北见敏之 池内博之 胜村政信 前田吟 石田未来 
语言:日语  / 片长:

微笑是一部剧情片,日菲混血的早川维托(松本润 饰)因为自己的身份从小受尽欺负,而他还是保持着一颗纯净的心绽放着笑容,感激着细微的美好。在家庭式食品公司打工的他梦想有朝一日拥有自己的料理店;因为一起事故,让少女三岛花(新垣结衣 饰)丧失了说话的能力,不能说话的花却不曾沮丧,依旧元气满满。被维托解救于书店的花因而对维托心生好感;打扮浮夸看似毫不真诚的律师伊东一马(中井贵一 饰)实则却很有能力且拥有难以言说的辛酸往事。   三人因为维托的公寓被查出藏有毒品一事,而联系在了一起。慢慢被道出来的是三人不堪回首的过往,残留在现在的却是嘴边的微笑,面对伤痛和不公,惟有笑着活下去,一出温暖的治愈故事微笑含泪绽放。

Hayakawa Vito has a Filipino father and a Japanese mother, but he was born and raised in Japan and has never visited the Philippines. The ever-smiling Vito works at Machimura Foods during the day, and at night, he works a part-time job trying to make his dreams come true. One day during an incident at a bookstore, he meets a girl named Mishima Hana, who lost her ability to speak due to an accident. But even though she can't speak, Vito is drawn to her beautiful smile. However, Vito becomes wrongly suspected by the police for a crime, and after meeting the lawyer Kazuma, the issue begins to grow - Together, Vito, Hana, and Kazuma will go through challenging times and have to overcome many obstacles.

一句话评论:日本人排外情绪很重(把外国人当小偷 说自己人最优秀)。About Hayashi Seiji。gakki用最佳颜艺和一个最佳女配为演技正名。勇敢美女摯愛悶燥男。日本社会的歧视。人生近看是一出悲剧,而远看是一出喜剧。很现实的社会问题--种族歧视。スマイル。死麦儿色的smile。看着看着就熬出来的感觉。

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+[蒙娜丽莎的微笑][双语] 31.6 GB
Smile 微笑 スマイル (1280x720 DivX6.8.4)
Smile 微笑 スマイル (1280x720 DivX6.8.4)