布莱切利四人组 第一季(2012) The Bletchley Circle/布莱切利小组

更新:2023-03-25 01:03:52
年份: 2012  / 地区: 英国 
类型:犯罪  / 豆瓣:8.5分 / IMDB:8.0分
导演:Andy De Emmony 
演员:安娜·麦克西维尔·马丁 朱莉·格雷厄姆 苏菲·兰朵 蕾切尔·斯特灵 Mark Dexter 艾德·伯奇 史蒂文·罗伯特森 迈克尔·古尔德 
语言:英语  / 片长:
布莱切利四人组 第一季剧情介绍

布莱切利四人组 第一季是一部犯罪片,这是一部悬疑剧,虚构了四个拥有特殊技能的女人Susan、Millie、Lucy和Jean,她们曾帮助盟军提前取得二战胜利。   战争结束后,她们的生活渐渐平淡。一件凶杀案的发生,引起了她们的注意。

During WWII, men and women working at Bletchley Park played a vital role, breaking the codes used by the German military. Nine years later, former codebreaker Susan is a housewife and mother, but she continues to recognize patterns that surround her in everyday life. When a series of women are brutally murdered around London, Susan sees a pattern emerging. However, when a police-search for what Susan believes to be an overlooked victim turns up nothing, she realizes she cannot solve this puzzle alone. Enlisting three former Bletchley Park colleagues: Millie, Lucy, and Jean; Susan knows they have little time to break this code before the killer strikes again.

一句话评论:恰到好处的真·推理剧集。谁能把名字改一下是布莱切利好吗。。。。。There is always a price to pay。这才是优秀的现代女子群像剧。姐妹们的团队。细节之间的女权主义,兢兢业业的点滴推理。记录精彩对白。一刷记住的一些细节。真相只有一个。滤镜很美,情节平庸。

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