鬼丈夫(2005) Paheli/迷

更新:2023-03-25 02:03:15
年份: 2005  / 地区: 印度 
类型:爱情 奇幻  / 豆瓣:7.0分 / IMDB:6.7分
演员:沙鲁克·汗 拉妮·玛克赫吉 阿努潘·凯尔 阿米达普·巴强 纳萨鲁丁·沙 桑尼尔·谢迪 玖熹·查瓦拉 
语言:北印度语  / 片长:140
上映时间:2005-06-22(科威特) / 2005-06-24(印度)

鬼丈夫是一部爱情,奇幻片,美丽的姑娘蓝琪(拉妮·玛克赫吉 Rani Mukherjee 饰)即将和名叫齐桑(沙鲁克·罕 Shahrukh Khan 饰)结为夫妇,在前往夫家的途中,蓝琪路过了一棵大树,被住在树上的精灵看见了。精灵深深的被蓝琪的美貌所吸引,爱上了她。   齐桑是一个唯财是图的商人,本应该是浪漫不已的新婚之夜,齐桑却将所有的时间都花在了算账上。不仅如此,他还告诉蓝琪,自己第二天就要外出行商,五年后才会回来,这令对婚姻生活充满了幻想的蓝琪伤心不已。第二天,齐桑离开了家,得知此事的精灵化身成为了齐桑的样子来到了蓝琪身边,精灵幻化的齐桑很快就虏获了蓝琪的真心。

Parsimonious Bhanwarlal is a Bania (businessman) who lives in Navalgarh, Rajasthan, along with his wife; his sons Sunderlal and Kishanlal; Sunderlal is married to Gajrobai and has a son. During the annual camel race, Sunderlal loses the race to the Thakur and out of shame leaves home, never to return. Now Kishanlal has come of age and is married to Lachchi. But on the very next day of the marriage, he must leave for Jamnagar to expand business, and can return only after 5 years. A tearful Lachchi bids him goodbye, but to her pleasant surprise he returns within a few days, and informs his dad that he met a holy sage who had instructed him to return as he will find five gold coins every morning. Pleased with this, Bhanwarlal does not object to Kishanlal's return. After four years, it is now time for the camel race again, and this time Bhanwarlal's camel wins, much to the chagrin of the Thakur who suspects witchcraft. Then Lachchi gets pregnant and on the day of the child's birth the family finds out to their horror that there is an impostor who is claiming to be Kishanlal, and the husband of Lachchi. The family and the town are unable to decide who is real and who the impostor, as both look identical, so they decide to approach the king and do his bidding. The question remains, who is the second Kishanlal and what possible motive could he have for coming to claim Lachchi as his wife?

