
请叫我库布里克是一部剧情,喜剧片,根据真实故事改编。1998年至1999年间,伦敦一名年轻的骗子趁《大开眼戒》(EYES WIDE SHUT)影片拍摄期间,自称是大导演史坦利· 库布里克,他凭这个开门咒自由进出英国首都最豪华的场所。这个骗子对这位大导演的电影作品所知不多,跟他长得也只有一点点像,但他却凭这个名声,利用周围的人的轻信,引诱并诈骗别人。

In London in the 1990s, a balding alcoholic with an unsteady American accent introduces himself in pubs and other social settings as Stanley Kubrick. Drinks and meals are suddenly on the house or paid for by an admiring person, usually a man, whose costumes, band, acting abilities or what have you, Stanley finds fascinating. He's actually Alan Conway (1934-1998): we watch him parlay a self-confident manner and a small amount of movie knowledge into a persona whom others immediately hang their dreams on. In exchange, Stanley asks only that they pay the bill. Will he be exposed? Do prosecution and prison await? Or has the National Health something else in mind?

