更新:2024-01-21 03:01:37
年份: 1990  / 地区: 中国香港 
类型:喜剧  / 豆瓣:7.4分 / IMDB:6.7分
演员:许冠文 许冠杰 许冠英 洪欣 李司祺 刘兆铭 毛舜筠 秦沛 刘小慧 罗冠兰 余倩雯 许冠武 
语言:粤语  / 片长:92

新半斤八两是一部喜剧片,许氏三兄弟主演,许冠文编剧的本片,剧情简单,许冠文是娱乐周刊的社长,为了挽救将倒闭的杂志社,费尽心思发掘消息。影片中许依旧是刻薄的老板,许冠杰仍是身手不凡的醒目仔,许冠英依然傻得惹人可怜。本片始终对时代有一定的触觉,明星绯闻,美容隆胸,卡拉OK这些新兴事物为影片制造了不少乐趣。陈欣健执导手法与许氏相近,同样以演员的表演作主导,并以此为剧情的重心。影片虽然能触及社会问题,但深度不够,未能自我突破。      许冠文是娱乐周刊的社长,为了挽救将倒闭的杂志社,费尽心思发掘消息。影片中许依旧是刻薄的老板,许冠杰仍是身手不凡的醒目仔,许冠英依然傻得惹人可怜。本片始终对时代有一定的触觉,明星绯闻,美容隆胸,卡拉OK这些新兴事物为影片制造了不少乐趣。

Hui (Michael Hui), an owner of a Hong Kong tabloid magazine company, hires martial artist Bill Lee (Sam Hui) to help him get a good headliner for a magazine story to, hopefully, save his failing business. In the process, Bill meets San-San (Catherine Hung Yan), the fiancée of a wealthy jewelry business owner, and pursues her in order to get the scoop about her life. After thinking that San-San would make a great headliner, Bill feels sorry for her because of her troubled life: her mother has cancer, her brother is mentally disabled and her fiancé puts work before her. Thus, Bill is reluctant to publish San-San's story, putting the tabloid company's fate in his hands.

一句话评论:延续许氏三兄弟的性格之作。新半斤八两。最后一个新时代。差一点差好多。老影星。许氏喜剧一点笔记。有意思 喜剧还是香港的传统优势。冷面笑匠,喜剧大师,当之无愧!。
