

It's the dawn of the Golden Age of Aviation on planet Prester, and retro-futuristic sky vehicles known as vanships dominate the horizon. Claus Valca - a flyboy born with the right stuff - and his fiery navigator Lavie are fearless racers obsessed with becoming the first sky couriers to cross the Grand Stream in a vanship. But when the high-flying duo encounters a mysterious girl named Alvis, they are thrust into the middle of an endless battle between Anatoray and Disith - two countries systematically destroying each other according to the code of chivalric warfare. Lives will be lost and legacies determined as Claus and Lavie attempt to bring peace to their world by solving the riddle of its chaotic core.

一句话评论:青鸟在远方。no more exile。这年头,能让人忍不住一口气看下来的动画不多了。神作,再次死于预算和耐心——十四周年记。有亡灵住在云朵上的天空。画面比情节更动人。最终流放。一部设定完成度远高于剧情本身。更远的地方。偏执。

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[漏勺rip][最终流放 LAST EXILE][字幕].zip
最终流放 (全26集简繁英特效字幕)Last Exile .2003.rar