日常(2011)/My Ordinary Life

更新:2024-01-21 04:01:33
年份: 2011  / 地区: 日本 
类型:动画  / 豆瓣:9.4分 / IMDB:8.4分
导演:石原立也 木上益治 山田尚子 武本康弘 石立太一 内海纮子 北之原孝将 坂本一也 河浪荣作 
演员:本多真梨子 相泽舞 富樫美铃 今野宏美 古谷静佳 白石稔 
语言:日语  / 片长:

日常是一部动画片,表面上看来,东云名乃(古谷静佳 配音)是一个外表可爱又有点天然呆的黑发女孩,可是,她背后醒目的发条暴露了她的真实身份——由博士(今野宏美 配音)所改造的少女机器人。虽然对于自己背后的发条感到十分自卑,但博士总是以其非常可爱为由拒绝帮助名乃进行改造。   在名乃就读的1年纪Q班中,汇聚着名乃的诸多好友们——个性过于活泼以至于经常暴走的相生祐子(本多真梨子 配音),常常陷于对同性恋情的幻想之中的美术型女生长野原美绪(相泽舞 配音),以及外表沉默安静内里腹黑毒舌的三好学生水上麻衣(富樫美铃 配音)。就这样,经常处于脱线状态的日常和激烈的吐槽在这三人之间展开了。

Yuko and Mio are normal schoolgirls who lead ordinary lives and cope with day-to-day matters. Their friends, however, are not that normal: Mio's crush Kojiro brings a goat and butler to school even though his parents are farmers; Kojiro is constantly attacked by his female classmate Misato, who is also in love with him; Mai is a quiet friend but an inveterate prankster; a child genius known only as the Professor, who built her own parental guardian, the schoolgirl Nano. Added to the zany mix are the talking cat Sakamoto, the nervous teacher Izumi Sakurai and the deer-wrestling Principal Shinonome. In spite of all the insanity around the girls still manage to lead their regular affairs of work and play with sanity, as it's all just a part of life itself.

一句话评论:日常—写在26话到来前。重点剧情一览。日常的角度看日常。非日常:第一次看日常笑得胃差点掉出来。日常剧情汇!。被遗忘的日常。你所知道的日常不是日常。蹲等日常第二季 明年请不要大意的回归吧=www=!。什么是日常,日常就是没有被观测的猫。京都你又一次赢了 (日常是最好的动画不同意的都是不客观!)。
