阁楼男女(2003) 옥탑방 고양이/屋塔房小猫 / 屋塔房上的小猫 / 屋塔上的猫 / Oktapbang goyangi / Attic Cat / Cats on the Roof

更新:2020-02-03 11:02:56
年份: 2003  / 地区: 韩国 
类型:爱情  / 豆瓣:7.3分 / IMDB:7.9分
演员:郑多彬 金来沅 崔贞允 李贤宇 奉太奎 金慈玉 姜富子 
语言:韩语  / 片长:

阁楼男女是一部爱情片,法律系的高材生李庆民(金来沅 Rae-won Kim 饰)误打误撞的结识上没考上大学的落榜生蓝静恩(郑多彬 Da-bin Jeong 饰),本不想干的二人生活的轨迹开始发生转变。静恩大学落榜后因为想要独立门户,却无奈积蓄被不成器的弟弟悉数偷走,不得已借了庆民的钱暂居在一间阁楼中。后庆民因被高利贷要债无奈躲进了静恩的小阁楼,二人在朝夕相处的同居生活中渐生感情,意外的醉酒之夜二人发生了一夜情。然而表面上四处招惹艳遇的花花公子庆民其实一直暗恋性感美丽的大学同学惠莲(崔贞允 Jeong-yun Choi 饰),这让灰姑娘静恩心里十分痛苦。而静恩的上司,英俊帅气事业有成的东俊(李贤宇 Jessie Lee 饰)此时展开了对静恩的追求,然而惠莲也喜欢着东俊,于是借着和庆民约会的接口来报复静恩,一段纠结的恋情就此展开…

Law student Lee Kyung Min is used to getting what he wants: raised by indulgent grandparents, he spends his days chasing girls and enjoying the finer things in life. There's only one person he really cares about-Na Hye Ryun, a fellow student from a wealthy family. But unbeknownst to Kyung Min, Hye Ryun has her heart set on someone else. When Hye Ryun ignores his initial advances, Kyung Min tries to become closer to her by getting to know one of her friends, Nam Jung Eun. Having failed employment exams repeatedly, Jung Eun, the daughter of a poor family, has been reduced to selling newspapers to get enough money to rent an apartment. When things go sour for Jung Eun money-wise, Kyung Min jumps in to help, hoping to impress Hye Ryun. His attempt fails, and the sweet Jung Eun is furious when she finds out he's been pursuing her to get to Hye Ryun. Soon Kyung Min's cash runs out, and he decides that it's time to collect on Jung Eun's debt. When his grandparents turn him away from home, ...

一句话评论:屋塔房上的天使。女人,百炼成钢。怀念郑多彬。反复看的对白。小贱人。过去15年了 太喜欢她对她的去世好像心中永远无法释怀,那年夏天最美好的回忆。。天国里还有那样安静的屋顶吗。喜欢有成长的爱情。喜欢,推荐。青春气息很浓的多彬。

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