火鸟(2004) 불새/火鸟之燃烧的爱 / Phoenix

更新:2021-08-26 01:08:05
年份: 2004  / 地区: 韩国 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:7.9分 / IMDB:7.6分
演员:李恩珠 李瑞镇 文晸赫 郑慧英 朴根滢 金富善 李镜珍 金秉世 沈阳洪 
语言:韩语  / 片长:

火鸟是一部剧情,爱情片,肆无忌惮的千金小姐李智芸(李恩宙 饰)开着跑车在路上横冲直撞,一不小心奔向了加油站,差点把在加油站打工的大学生张世勋(李瑞镇 饰)给撞伤。大为光火的世勋对智芸第一印象极其糟糕。和朋友打赌会在宴会上带男朋友来的智芸把目标锁定在了世勋身上。二人的现身得到了众人的瞩目,而二人也就此展开了热恋。智芸不顾父母的反对义无反顾的和贫困的世勋结婚,可婚后生活质量的巨大反差,让智芸最终还是选择了离去。而世勋也奔赴美国,谋求发展。   十年后,从美国回来的世勋已改头换面,成为了有钱人;而智芸却因为家道中落成为了家中的主心骨,四处谋生。巧合下,智芸成为了世勋家里的帮佣。再次和十年前的恋人、前夫重逢,二人可谓百感交集。曾经的感情似乎还在胸中翻滚,可二人身边却也有了别人……

A delightfully twisty inversion of the Cinderella story, Phoenix is about a woman who, by choosing to marry beneath her, falls from princess-status to peasant-status, and then rises again like the proverbial firebird. Lee Ji Eun defies her parents' wishes to marry poor student Jang Sae Hoon, but unable to handle the burdens of poverty, she later succumbs to her family's pressure and divorces him. Heartbroken, her husband leaves for the U.S., and the two don't see each other again until Sae Hoon returns to Korea as a wealthy, self-made businessman, and runs into her again, now a lowly domestic helper. Ji Eun, having experienced many humbling turns in life since he left, is struggling to keep herself and her family afloat, and finds that their roles have been reversed-but will Sae Hoon ever be able to forgive her? Can the ashes of their love turn back into a flame?

一句话评论:相遇何必曾相恋-看《火鸟》。美的让人心碎。请原谅曾经的幼稚。如此纠缠。火鸟涅槃 四个人的爱情难题。火鸟——一个需要耐心品味的故事。爱要诚恳。忍不住想写一写《火鸟》。最理智的人和最热烈的爱情。我心中的韩剧经典。
