丹尼尔的半生缘(2002) Daniel Deronda/清秀佳人

更新:2024-01-21 04:01:18
年份: 2002  / 地区: 英国 
类型:剧情 爱情 历史  / 豆瓣:7.7分 / IMDB:7.4分
演员:休·丹西 萝玛拉·嘉瑞 休·博纳维尔 
语言:英语  / 片长:

丹尼尔的半生缘是一部剧情,爱情,历史片,关德林(萝玛拉·嘉瑞 Romola Garai 饰)和丹尼尔(休·丹西 Hugh Dancy 饰)两人性格迥异,一个主动奔放野心勃勃,一个温文尔雅心思细腻,但这并没能阻碍他们的相互吸引,可就在两人越走越近之时,关德林却因为经济拮据而被迫嫁给了富商格兰克(休·博内威利 Hugh Bonneville 饰)。   婚后的生活与自私自利的格兰克令生性自由的关德林感到十分痛苦,压抑之中,她向丹尼尔发出了求救信号,希望能利用他的温暖安抚自己伤痕累累的内心。可是,这时的丹尼尔正同一位名叫米拉(乔迪·梅 Jodhi May 饰)的美丽犹太女孩坠入了爱河,随着时间的推移,三人之间的情感纠葛演变得越来越复杂起来。

It is across the roulette table that Gwendolen Harleth first locks eyes with the enigmatic Daniel Deronda. Gwendolen is beautiful, vivacious, and a gambler, but desperate for financial security; something that possessive Henleigh Grandcourt would be able to provide for her. Daniel is the adopted son of an aristocratic, but doubtful of his own identity. He pours his energy into selflessly helping his friends, including poor Jewish singer Mirah Lapidoth. As Gwendolen's situation becomes dire, and Daniel seeks to uncover the mystery surrounding his own birth, their lives become intertwined...

一句话评论:原来你才是那个平凡的人。个人笔记。重点不在爱情的爱情故事。人生不是一场赌局。爱情也是人生的一次壮游。romola真是演什么像什么 从没见过这么灵的演员。初识George Eliot。我想那不是爱情。你说过的每句话我都铭记在心。半生缘 Daniel。
