更新:2024-01-21 01:01:52
年份: 2004  / 地区: 中国香港 
类型:剧情 惊悚 恐怖  / 豆瓣:6.6分 / IMDB:6.1分
演员:林嘉欣 李心洁 许志安 黄浩然 廖启智 文颂娴 周永恒 
语言:粤语  / 片长:88

救命是一部剧情,惊悚,恐怖片,风雨交加的夜晚,一场盛大的婚礼正在某豪华星级酒店举行时,突发骇人听闻惨案,伴娘子清(李心洁)成为唯一目击证人。在警署,子清一口咬定疑凶是闭路电视上的神秘人孙玲(林嘉欣)。得知孙玲与自己的男友有着不同寻常的隐情后,因肾脏有问题一直觉得亏欠男友的子清几乎崩溃。   子清受到凶徒袭击,幸得孙玲及时出手救援才捡回一命。与孙玲相处时,子清渐生宽恕和感激之心。就在两人的友谊日渐成熟之时,一直逍遥在外的真凶开始向她们逼近。

Jealousy, desire, trust, and revenge. A complicated love triangle emerges during an investigation into the theft of a woman's kidney. At a wedding party in a fancy hotel, a guest happens on the victim. The guest, Chi Ching, reports seeing a suspicious woman at the wedding, and at a police station, it's disclosed that the woman in question, Suen Ling, has slept with Ching's fiancé, Wei. He claims he loves only Ching, but Ling keeps showing up. Reassured by Wei, Ching tries to befriend Ling. Ling's back-story, Ching's health, and Wei's desires keep the love triangle spinning. It's not back-stabbing that Ching must worry about, but a 9-inch incision on her side.

一句话评论:救命-冷冷的阴影。林嘉欣的完美表演。。有爱的电影。真是一个让人扼腕叹息的悲剧。《救命》,请对我暖暖微笑。很多事情阴差阳错 没缘由。谁能救赎谁的过往。女人的爱和占有可以那么淋漓尽致。救命。。《救命》究竟说了点什么。
