不完美的丈夫(2015) 残念な夫。/遗憾的丈夫

更新:2024-01-21 02:01:33
年份: 2015  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情 喜剧  / 豆瓣:7.1分 / IMDB:6.7分
导演:西坂瑞城 宮木正悟 
演员:玉木宏 仓科加奈 黒木啓司 林遣都 高桥玛莉润 浅田美代子 大塚宁宁 岸谷五朗 生田绘梨花 
语言:日语  / 片长:

不完美的丈夫是一部剧情,喜剧片,在Luchta Home开发部设计课担任代理课长的榛野阳一(玉木宏 饰)是一位热情十足、能力出众的职场精英,他的妻子知里(仓科加奈 饰)美丽可爱,温柔体贴,二人的婚后生活幸福美满,两人曾是公认的完美夫妻,但他们的幸福时光直到孩子出生后发生翻天覆地的改变。女儿华华降临人间,家里乱成了垃圾场,知里蓬头宼面,疲于奔命,睡眠严重不足。曾经的完美丈夫阳一知难而退,以工作之名将家里的大小事务全然交给妻子。一方面妻子移情,全权支撑三口之家。另一方面阳一试图维持孩子出生前的完美状态,却在种种不如意的情况下对妻儿的爱发生变化。   不知不觉间,夫妻俩的爱情出现了裂痕……

With his looks, personality and capabilities, 35-years-old Haruno Yoichi is considered the "ideal husband". However, he feels that his wife's attitude has cooled ever since she gave birth to their child. He knows neither the cause nor the solution, and has been reduced to the "unfortunate husband" at home. 28-years-old Chisato was thought to be the "ideal wife with all the the traditional graces" who does her best to look to her best to look to her husband with respect. But her husband's words and deeds which she could excuse until after childbirth, now make her feel uneasy. Because of her continued hysterics, she has become the "monster wife" to her husband.

一句话评论:人类的一切有趣皆在于不完美(EP10全)。请付出比你想要的多一点点。...文笔啰嗦 简评放不下 就来写个影评(伪)。每个成功的爸爸背后都需要一个恶魔般的小天使。坐着时光机去看爸爸成长史。坐着时光机去看爸爸成长史。不完美的丈夫。现实的男人哪有那么快觉悟。
