
微微的猩红是一部剧情,犯罪,黑色电影片,改编自詹姆斯·M·凯恩的小說《Love's Lovely Counterfeit》,一个城市商人在爱上新当选市长的未婚妻时,卷入了有组织犯罪、腐败的城市政治和贪污。

Kleptomaniac Dorothy Lyons is paroled from prison in custody of her sister June, secretary to "reform" political candidate Frank Jansen. Ben Grace, associate of crime boss Sol Caspar, sees this as a way to smear Jansen's campaign. But after falling out with Caspar, Ben tries to help June, who he begins to fall for. Sexy Dorothy also has a yen for Ben. June is reluctantly forced to go along with Ben's schemes, but there may be more to these than meets the eye...

