桥(2021) Bridges/

更新:2024-03-29 08:03:29
年份: 2021  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:4.8分
导演:Maria Corina Ramirez 
演员:Maria Corina Ramirez Marialejandra Martin Nathalia Lares 
语言:英语  / 片长:72

桥是一部剧情片,Maria Cecilia, a high school valedictorian originally from Venezuela but growing up in Miami, grapples with her fate and her identity as graduation day approaches. Meanwhile, her mother, Violeta, veers too close to a ghost from the past. And Gaby, her younger sister, swears she’s found the answer to it all: winning the lottery

A Latina high school valedictorian grapples with her fate and identity as graduation day approaches, all while her mother veers too close to a ghost from the past and her younger sister swears she's found the answer to it all: winning the lottery.

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