更新:2024-02-16 08:02:45
年份: 2021  / 地区: 法国 
类型:科幻 动画 短片  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:0.0分
导演:Nicolas Capitaine Samuel Klughertz 
演员:Jay Britton 西蒙·海考克 安柏·李·康娜丝 Taruq Faheed 
语言:英语  / 片长:20

_Hello是一部科幻,动画,短片片,In this animated sci-fi thriller, Avi, a young astronaut, tends to a spaceship in the outer depths of space when he intercepts an ancient space probe and tries to reactivate its dormant A.I., only to discover the A.I. has a plan of its own.

In this animated sci-fi thriller, Avi, a young astronaut, tends to a spaceship in the outer depths of space when he intercepts an ancient space probe and tries to reactivate its dormant A.I., only to discover the A.I. has a plan of its own.

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