鸠的击退法(2021) 鳩の撃退法/Every Trick in the Book


鸠的击退法是一部剧情片,该片改编自佐藤正午畅销小说《鸠的击退法》,原著被誉为佐藤正午最佳作品,获得众多文学奖项。电影讲述津田在酒吧里让自己的编辑鸟饲(土屋太凤 饰)阅读他正在创作中的新小说,但鸟饲读起来越来越不像小说中的故事,她开始验证小说是否真的是虚构,惊愕的真相渐渐展开。

Shinichi Tsudais a genius novelist. He is a winner of the prestigious Naoki Prize for literature. One day, he lets his editor Nahomi Torikai read his latest novel. The novel is supposed to be based on a case Shinichi experienced himself in a small city in Toyama Prefecture. Nahomi is excited by the new novel, but she has a strange feeling and decides to check whether the story is fiction based on the author's experience.
