更新:2021-08-23 09:08:05
年份: 2013  / 地区: 美国 
类型:未知 / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:9.4分
导演:Sinisha Nisevic 
演员:伊恩·萨默海尔德 Xian Mikol (Model) 西摩·卡塞尔 
语言:英语  / 片长:
Time Framed剧情介绍

Time Framed tells the story of Agent Truman Black; a gun-for-hire secret operative who is entrained to protect government and corporate interests in high-stakes missions. During his latest assignment to stop the supposed heist and expulsion of a revolutionary clean energy method that brings free power across the world, he finds himself framed and becomes a whistle-blower that uncovers truths about control and corruption.

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