更新:2021-07-06 08:07:21
年份: 2020  / 地区: 德国 
类型:未知 / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:6.5分
演员:伊赫斯·贝尔本 卡罗莉内·艾希霍恩 Svenja Liesau 尼娜·昆岑多夫 米兰·佩舍尔 
语言:德语   波兰语  / 片长:
阿尔茨兰地 第一季剧情介绍

阿尔茨兰地 第一季是一部片,Three women, three generations, a house like a ship and a kind of family. A farm in the Altes Land region becomes the setting for a story about the Germany of our mothers and grandmothers, about refugees, rootless city dwellers and how abandoned souls can suddenly find a home.

Three women, three generations, a house like a ship and a kind of family. A farm in the Altes Land region becomes the setting for a story about the Germany of our mothers and grandmothers, about refugees, rootless city dwellers and how abandoned souls can suddenly find a home.

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