更新:2021-03-27 07:03:04
年份: 1996  / 地区: 意大利 
类型:剧情 情色 战争  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:7.1分
演员:赛仑 Joy Karins Michele Soavy Maria De Sanchez Tunde 玛莉亚·贝露琪 Olivia Del Rio 妮基塔·格罗斯 Serena Ippoliti 梨·马媞妮 Nicolette Krisztina Ekat Porel Sandy Foster Emanuela Ponti 
语言:意大利语  / 片长:78

邪恶的指挥官是一部剧情,情色,战争片,旧欧洲的土地上发生了一场血腥的战争。1992年春,塞特尼奇人入侵波斯尼亚村庄和小城镇,宣布被占领并开始了一个新时代。在这一可怕的场景中,尼雷特瓦兄弟的不幸诞生了。尼雷特瓦兄弟受到一位儿时邻居朋友的迫害,这位朋友后来成为著名的CKP(Cetnici Koljacki Pokret:种族酷刑运动)的指挥官。受一个真实故事的启发,这部电影发展成一种令人不安的气氛,暴力和种族疯狂主宰着人类最高尚的情感。

At the beginning of the new millennium, there is a bloody war in the land of old Europe. In the spring of 1992, the CETNICI invade Bosnian villages and small towns, declaring the beginning of a new era for the occupied territories. In this terrible scenario the misfortune of the Neretva brothers, persecuted by a childhood neighbor friend, who became commander of the famous CKP (Cetnici-Koljacki Pokret: Ethnic Torture Movement) is born. Inspired by a true story this film develops into an unsettling atmosphere, where violence and ethnic madness dominate man's noblest feelings.
