Goodbye 以谎言开端的人生喜剧(2019) グッドバイ~嘘からはじまる人生喜劇~/Goodbye 从谎言开始的人生喜剧 / Goodbye: Life Comedy of Starting From a Lie

更新:2023-08-17 01:08:23
年份: 2019  / 地区: 日本 
类型:喜剧  / 豆瓣:6.1分 / IMDB:4.5分
演员:大泉洋 小池荣子 水川麻美 桥本爱 
语言:日语  / 片长:106
上映时间:2019-12-21(上海日本新片展) / 2020-02-14(日本)
Goodbye 以谎言开端的人生喜剧剧情介绍

Goodbye 以谎言开端的人生喜剧是一部喜剧片,故事改编自太宰治未完成遗作小说,讲述了拥有好几个情妇的文艺杂志主编田岛周二为了和她们分手,希望贪恋钱财的永井キヌ子假扮他的妻子。这对“假夫妇”将上演什么样的故事呢~

It is the period following World War II and the Americans have invaded and occupied Japan. Shuji is an editor for a magazine about literature and culture. He is a gigolo and surrounds himself with easy women who suffer from low self-esteem. Shuji does not respect the women and decides to dump them, but easier said than done. His solution? Pretend he is married, complete with a false wife, in order to be rid of the other women.

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Goodbye 以谎言开端的人生喜剧(简繁字幕)Farewell.Comedy.