
魔法战队魔术连者是一部剧情,动作,科幻,冒险片,小津一家独自居住在一栋西式大宅里。其一家之主是深雪、与经营自营农园的长子・莳   魔法战队魔法连者标志   魔法战队魔法连者标志   人负责养育著其余四个孩子,一个过著普通生活的家庭。   就在一个星期日的早上,在一家人的面前出现了一个魔法阵,而从里面居然跑出一个丑恶的妖怪。就在孩子们不知如何是好的时候,妈妈深雪拿出一个造型奇妙的移动电话,并且用它变身成像是穿着白色战衣的天使一般的形态,将妖怪两三下打倒。   回到家后,深雪告知惊讶不已的孩子们说。先前所打倒的妖怪是为了侵略地上界而曾被“天空圣者”所封印的地底冥府印菲西亚的冥兽。自己是为了与复活的印菲西亚战斗,授以天空圣者的魔法可变身成魔法使・魔法圣母。而且孩子们也与自己同样拥有魔法使的资质……

Forces from Infershia attack the surface world in order to resurrect N Ma, their emperor. Through their mother, the five Ozu Siblings discover that they are magicians chosen to defeat the Earth from this evil. After their mother's "death", the siblings discover a room in their home hidden by magic, and with it Mandoraboy--a Mandrake being who guides the Rangers in their fight to save Earth, and later Magitopia, from Infershia.

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