更新:2020-09-18 08:09:24
年份: 2005  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情 喜剧  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:5.5分
导演:Michael Parness 
演员:洛南·布雷科 大卫·佩默 罗姗娜·阿奎特 
语言:英语  / 片长:115
My Suicidal Sweetheart剧情介绍

My Suicidal Sweetheart是一部剧情,喜剧片,从六岁开始,马克斯就不想再活下去,他尝试了许多死法,包括开枪、上吊以及跳窗户等等,然而每次他都能捡回条命。马克斯的寻死惹恼了父母,他们把马克斯送去了精神病院。在那里,马克斯找到了活下去的理由——他爱上了一个名叫格雷斯的女孩,而这个女孩却有着比马克斯更强烈的求死念头。马克斯想要治愈格雷斯,他觉得如果让格雷斯与母亲见面谈心,说不定会有些效果。随后两人逃出精神病院。可是在前往拜访格雷斯母亲的途中,格雷斯又多次寻死,马克斯为了及时制止她而疲惫不堪,他们还能顺利到达目的地吗……

On his 21st birthday, in front of mom, dad, sis, and guests, Max tries to hang himself. It's his eighth suicide attempt, seeking a peaceful white light. Sent back to an asylum, Max falls in love at first sight with Grace, also suicidal, with a teddy bear she treats as her child. Max courts her, proposes, they marry, and he makes it his mission to give her reasons to live. They escape and he seeks various cures for her: the beauty of nature, living with his family, and consulting a shaman, a faith healer, and a self-help coach. Grace's demons trump the cures. Max is at wit's end. Will he fail? Is there to be no white light? A visit to Grace's institutionalized mother gives Max a clue.

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