影子敌人(1995) 影子敵人/Enemy Shadow

更新:2024-01-21 03:01:26
年份: 1995  / 地区: 中国香港 
类型:动作 惊悚  / 豆瓣:6.3分 / IMDB:5.7分
演员:梁琤 白石千 陈启泰 陈豪 吴毅将 成奎安 罗冠兰 麦长青 陈龙 林国杰 
语言:粤语  / 片长:92

影子敌人是一部动作,惊悚片,严重剧透:冰(梁峥)是名女警,最大的志愿便是儆恶惩奸,谁料执行任务的首天便遇上银行械劫案,男友更惨被劫匪当场炸死。   蔡Sir(陈启泰)着冰作某毒品交易的卧底,冰因而结识女毒贩大家姐(罗冠兰)更与之成为好友,在正邪不能两立的形势下,冰作出了辞去职务的决定。   之后,她邂逅了豹(白千石),并被他那原始的兽性所吸引,但对豹的过往与工作则一无所知。一日蔡Sir突然在冰面前出现,并告诉她杀她男友的人便是豹,又要求她再作卧底;几经辛苦,终她被查出原来蔡才是幕后主脑,一直操控着豹干不法的勾当。   三人在渠底下作出垂死之战,冰虽然把二人杀掉,但却被赶上来的警员乱枪射死。

A new cop gets baptized by fire when bank robbers kill her sweetheart and her senior in front of her and she fails to shoot back. She resolves to become hard and rough, then goes undercover. She's also introspective and philosophical, and soon tires of the betrayals of undercover work. She quits, taking up with Brother Panther, a tough but tender thief. Or has she quit? Her superior, Officer Choi, believes she's investigating Panther. Is she a cop or a thief? At times it seems she's investigating Panther's soul, and her own, not the bank job. Over time, she unravels Panther and Choi's connection, but does she understand Panther's nature, his shadow? Or her own?

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